Friday 20 April 2012

CText edit done

Just finished CTect edit!! man that was a lot of work!!!!! it's really unfortunate that we will not get to finish the Application...

Wednesday 4 April 2012

R0.7 done!

So finally the crach problem in the test7CmenuItem has been solved!!!

Apparently the program was confused of which draw() to call. Even though when we hover the mouse over draw () ( the line was Label.draw()) it would show you that it knows it's going to CLabel draw() ( "CIO::CLabel::draw()") so one of our team member had the idea of doing this instead Label.Clabel::draw() and it worked!! lesson learned!!! Weird!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

R0.3-R0.6 is done!

So far we managed to complete (with testing) R0.3-R0.6.However, we are  encountering a big Problem in R0.7! test7CMenuItem crashes!! we stayed up until 1:00AM and all we managed to do is track were the problem is coming from. Somehow, for some reason, when the test reaches FD.draw() it crashes. now this draw is CDialog draw() and that draw() is calling Clabel draw() (like this label.draw(fn)). So Clabel draw() is calling console.display. but it crashes right before Clabel's draw is called! Weird!! We are speculating the the cause of the crashes is due to pointers, but really we are not sure since the error massage is useless!!!

Sooner or later we will find and solved!! Stupid compiler!

Sunday 1 April 2012

R0.3-R0.7 almost done...

R0.3-R0.7 coming along quite nicely, not a lot of problems. Fardad's instructions were pretty clear and straight forward except when it came to the edit functions in CLineEdit and CCheckMark. That's when it took me a little long to figure out; since I had to go and look back at the parents...
By the due date we will be done for sure! If the testing goes smoothly with minor problems.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

OOP344 lecture MAR26 2012

finally I found a little bit of free time so I uploaded the whole lecture and titled them!
It may look like a lot a videos but most of them are short (about 3 mins long)...
As fardad said this lecture is important so pay ATTENTION!!

i/o/f streams intro: 


part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

part 6:

part 7:

part 8:


read/write from files(binary) intro:

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

part 6:

part 7:

part 8:

part 9:

part 10:

part 11:

OOP344 lecture MAR19 2012

This is not the whole lecture!! I'm way too busy to even upload the rest of the clips...
If you really need this lecture just let me know in the comments! I'll try to upload the rest.

Friday 16 March 2012

OOP344 lecture MAR15 2012

This time I had time to title them!!

This lecture talks about the rest of the project and templates.








CMenu and CMNode:












Wednesday 14 March 2012

OOP344 lecture MAR12 2012

Again I'm too busy so I didn't title them...

Also you can see clearly except the board since there was this guy's head in the way!
this is an important lecture; which talks about binary logic and intro about templates.

Monday 12 March 2012

OOP344 lecture MAR 8 2012

Sorry for the late post but I was really busy! that's way I did not title them...
Also this time I sat right in front of the screen, so you will be able to see much clearer(quality gets effected when uploading though).





Tuesday 28 February 2012

edit function (CDailog.cpp) is done!

The edit function was not that complicated since it has a similar structure to the edit in console.cpp, and also the instructions were pretty clear and helpful.

However, I could not test it because some methods are needed form CLable.cpp; which apparently the two team members that were in charge of it dropped the course(as me and Stephanie saw it coming)! So now we (the team) have to worry about another class...

Saturday 25 February 2012

OOP344 lecture Feb 23 2012

In this lecture R0.2 is farther explained!! 

Please comment below! 



CField and Void pointer:

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:









Linked Lists (Queue) continued...: 





Friday 17 February 2012

OOP344 lecture Feb 016 2012

This time you can see the code very well!!! But for some reason when converting some of the videos the quality is not that good.....
It's an important lecture, so pay attention!
Please comment!!!

string array:




part 4



From string array to Linked list Intro:


Linked list:


Linked list to Queue:





Saturday 11 February 2012

OOP344 lecture Feb 09 2012

This time I got better seats so now you can see the code...somewhat...
I guess I have to be at the first row even though I have that!!

Review from Monday and beyond...:

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

part 6:

part 7:

part 8:

part 9:

part 10:

part 11:

Thursday 9 February 2012

concatenate command line program

Here is my approach for creating a concatenation command line program.
Don't try on matrix...
It's not perfect because I'm too busy to work on it any longer!!
If you have any suggestion please leave a comment!!!!!

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

bool Files(int argc,char* argv[]);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

bool done;

done= true;

  (argc < 3)
cout<<"Usage:  Concat  Destination.txt File1.txt (File2.txt File3.txt ...)"<<endl
cout<<"       make sure you have File1.txt and File2.txt exists!!!"<<endl
 (done = !done);

cout<<"Concatenation successful!!"<<endl;

//this is just so the program won't exit before we see the "cout"s..

  return 0;

bool Files(int argc,char* argv[])

  FILE* destination ;
  FILE* files;
  int i;
  int temp;

  //first argument is the destination file always
     destination = fopen(argv[1], "a");

for(i= 2; i< argc; i++)
 files = fopen(argv[i], "r");
 while((temp = fgetc(files)) != EOF)
fputc(temp, destination );


return true;

Monday 6 February 2012

OOP344 lecture Feb 06 2012

This Time I did use a better camera but I got really bad seats since I was a little late..
So you cannot really see the code but you can follow along(the code is on SVN).
Please leave a comment!!

Intro (FUNNY!) :


part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

Creating int array and allocation:

part 1:

part 2:






Thursday 2 February 2012

OOP344 lecture Feb 02 2012

I know the video is not that clear (I'll be using a different camera next time) it keep auto-focusing by itself and there is no way to stop that. So I had to use my hand to fix it while recording...

Even though you can't see the code (I'll get better seats next time) you can still follow along (the codes are on SVN...)


   part 1:

part 2:

part 3:


  Operators in C: 

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:



part 2:

part 3:

pointers and more..:

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Don's answer to his question about test 4.17

you are getting that error I think because you are exiting before correcting your offset:

int length = strlen(str);

  int    locOff = *strOffset;
 if(locOff  >  length)

*strOffset  = length;

if( IsTextEditor)
return 0;


Monday 30 January 2012

problem with cio tester (4.5)

at test 4.5 says this

Test 4.5: console.edit() deleting chars : Hit Del key twice and then
hit ENTER to test!

and I do that but it gives me an error saying this

    - console.edit() does not have correct value for its data:
Shoule be:ABCD
 Value is:ABCDE
      FAILED, hit any key to continue

even though I have ABCD and not ABCDE!!!!!

any ideas?????

Sunday 29 January 2012

Bug Fixed

The bug is fixed!!! I was overwriting the NULLbyte some how...
Also I have added two more keys to the console CTRL f and CTRL u  working fine so far... it's pretty sick.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

edit function done!!

finally finished the edit function. Although I still have a small bug!
when insert mode is true (overstrik)  it adds trilling spaces at the end of the string for some reason..
but I'm not going to care too much about it, it not a big deal...

Friday 20 January 2012

page for team

Each team should have there own page like our team "reboot".
  when you click on "reboot" in the TEAM PAGE it will bring you to this  "page".
   then you can  copy and edit the page for your team...

found a team

so I am in  team  "reboot".
its Stephanie, Saro and I for now, as I'm sure two more people will be added...

Monday 9 January 2012

first thing done

Added myself in the student list.

next find a team!